The Art of Tebowing with MS

Everyone’s doing it. High schoolers are doing it in homeroom. Colleagues are doing it to settle friendly wagers. Grandmothers are doing it in retirement homes. People are doing it at bus stops, in bars, crossing busy streets, on surfboards, in line buying hot dogs at 7-11s, you name it. Heck, even kids just learning to walk are doing it in the living room. Tebowing—the act of getting down on one knee, oblivious to any surrounding hubbub, in solemn contemplation with one hand to the forehead (courtesy Tim Tebow of the Denver Broncos)—has swept the country. Few people realize, though, that Tebowing is a tricky art for many people with multiple sclerosis.

See, Tebowing in physical therapy terms is known as a variation of “high kneeling.” And I practice it almost every day. Kneeling on one knee, I put my arms out to the sides, then forward, then above my head. For more of a challenge, I’ll use weights or bands, or even a medicine ball that I’ll pass through my legs and over my head. Then I’ll switch knees and do it all over again. Tebowing works on balance, coordination, and proprioception (helping the body realize where it is in space).

What looks laughably easy, well, isn’t when this disease has given you the smack down. If I tip over, which I always do if I’m working hard, I’ll grab at the back of the couch for support or a well-positioned chair. Fortunately if I fall I’m already pretty close to the carpet, so my failed Tebowing attempts bruise mostly my ego. Whatever. Even though I could not care less about the quarterback or his religious views, I’m still Tebowing, and that’s what counts. Are you Tebowing?


Judy said…
This is an amazing exercise. Piece of cake, I thought. And it was. On one side. With the other, I fell down and then proceeded to feel nauseus. No surprise there. The weak side has also resulted in impairment in my inner ear nerve. So I braced myself better and, knowing my deficits, tried again. Much better! I will be doing this daily. Except I will rename it Dave's routine. Thanks for this suggestion.
Judy said…
nauseous. which I get when I misspell.
Jamie said…
You know, it really isn't all that hard. I haven't hit my knees to give thanks (or be "in solemn contemplation with one hand to the forehead") for years, but I just did it, holding on to the back of the couch my computer is by, just to see if I could. And, it's not about 'contemplation'. For Tebow, it's about giving thanks to his God... hence his 'John 3:16' below his eyes. I don't know what the big deal is either. Cowboys have been doing it for years after a successful (meaning they didn't get maimed) bull or bronc ride for years. For that matter, football players have been doing it, or something similar, for years too. Maybe, not just for athletes or MSers, it's just about giving thanks to our creator, whoever they may be, how ever we may be able to do that - hitting our knee, just standing, or sitting in a car after being able to get yourself and your kid loaded up into the car without a problem. It really comes down to being thankful for what you have, in my opinion.
country gal said…
You have inspired my to start Tebowing too. If not to just give thanks that I can still get in that position, but to get some much needed exercise. Thanks for the idea!
Dave Bexfield said…
Judy, I like it: "Daving" ha. As you get better, you can toss a weighted ball from hand-to-hand. That really challenges your balance. Or better yet, play catch with someone and have them toss the ball in different areas.
Anonymous said…
Nope, haven't Tebowed anywhere. Did a marvelous bellyflop in the front yard the other day, going mano a mano with a mouthful of dirt, while retreating from the heat and heading for shade. Started walking, legs got heavy, slowed down to evaluate the new sensations growing down my legs right before they exploded into waves of electricity. Up came the ground and I got to examine a new paradigm from goathead level. Yeah the little sticker boogers. But that's okay...other than a Dampened diaper and slightly dusty dignity, I eventually got family outside to help pick me up and get in a chair. I'm still breathing so I must be good. Love the Blog! Mike Honeycutt

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