MRI, MRI, How Many Brain Lesions Have I in All?
When it comes
to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), I have far more experience than a geezing
quarterback or aging pitcher. I’ve been in open MRIs, closed MRIs, even
portable MRIs on trailers. I’ve had short MRIs (20 minutes), long MRIs (50
minutes), and hella-long MRIs (100+ minutes). I’ve enjoyed in my Tubes O’ Fun
silence, music, and even movies (it’s hard not to laugh during Napoleon
Dynamite when he talks of nunchuck skills). All so docs can get a better idea
of disease activity. But do you want to see the results?
On the surface this may seem like a silly question. Why of course you’d like to know how many multiple sclerosis lesions you have in your noggin’. You want to be on top of your disease, don’t you? Maybe. But maybe not. Since my first positive brain MRI, which showed two small lesions, I made the decision to remain in the dark (pardon the MRIesque pun). I’d argue—and so would my neurologist, a ridiculously bright man who actually wrote the book on MRIs (well, one of them, anyways)—that your best course of action might be to NOT know. Here’s why.
On the surface this may seem like a silly question. Why of course you’d like to know how many multiple sclerosis lesions you have in your noggin’. You want to be on top of your disease, don’t you? Maybe. But maybe not. Since my first positive brain MRI, which showed two small lesions, I made the decision to remain in the dark (pardon the MRIesque pun). I’d argue—and so would my neurologist, a ridiculously bright man who actually wrote the book on MRIs (well, one of them, anyways)—that your best course of action might be to NOT know. Here’s why.
If your neuro
is an MS expert—and you trust your doctor to do what’s best for your health—you
personally knowing the number of lesions, in particular if it is increasing,
could make a bad situation worse. Say your MRI is lit up like an arena of cell
phones during a love song at a Justin Bieber concert. Option A) Doc: “We can’t
count the number of lesions there are so many. Holy cow, I’ve never seen so
many. Think a firefly convention in midsummer, ha ha.” Result: You stress out,
you get depressed (or both) and people who love you cry and worry. Stress
brings on a relapse and you get worse. Option B) Doc: “We’re seeing some
activity, maybe we should look at other treatment options.” Result: You look at
other treatment options… without stressing the hell out and freaking the crap
out of your mom who still worries about you just crossing a street. I personally
prefer Option B.
Originally published July 29th, 2010
Well the things I can or can't do still depend on my mood, stress levels and the temperature.. and occasionally the lesions count (no pun intended).
Yes, getting diagnosed can be scary, but I subscribe to 'I'd rather know and be able to handle this head on vs. not knowing and guessing what is going on'.
I personally don't mind the MRI's (both open and closed are fine, I just close my eyes), the lumbar puncture now is a different story.
I trust my neuro. I advocate to anyone that is facing the possible diagnosis of MS, to find a doctor they are comfortable and who will handle this disease.