
Showing posts with the label Staying Active

Managing MS Endurance

Advantages of MS #832: Coyote Safety

Conquering MS’s Mountains and Molehills

And We All Fall Down

Finishing DFL in a 5K MS walk

Hating Snakes and Bridging Fears

Plan B, STAT!

Bending the Spoon Theory

Les Toilettes: The French Folly

Imitating Humpty, Mr. Humpty Dumpty

Pushing the MS limits in Morocco

Snowboarding with a “bloody disease”

The Art of Tebowing with MS

Seizing the moment… and not letting go

The art of cooking with multiple sclerosis

Pushing the MS limits 100 feet underground

Rewriting the rules of tennis … MS style

Staring a multiple sclerosis relapse in the face... and blinking

Life (and Death?) Decisions in the Himalayas